Education: Dipl. Biologist (Entomology). Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Irkutsk State University (1982-1987).
Publications: more than 120 scientific works, including 42 descriptions of new species and subspecies of the ground-beetles (family Carabidae) and 9 taxons with rank of subgenus.
Oleg Berlov was born in the family of Siberian entomologist
Eduard Berlov. From childhood Oleg had participation in tens long expeditions in different districts of Russia (from Western Caucasus up to South of Russian Far East), conducted observations over hexapods in a nature and in a captivity.
Oleg Berlov actively works in the Internet, he is a web-master of several entomological web-sites. In the beginning of 2000 he has organized the Siberian Entomological Bureau,
whith ambitious targets - building good electronic atlas-keys of hexapods of Siberia and Russian Far East.
Since 15 may 2003 Oleg Berlov works as an entomologist in the State Nature Reserve "Baikalo-Lensky".